How IT Works

( Save $1 per pound when you buy a Whole cow on the rail )

Step 1: Select Your Meat

Browse through the site and the different farms to see what beef you would like to purchase. You can read about farm and our practices to ensure that they align with what you feel is important.

Step 2: Checkout

As you checkout you’ll note that shipping is free (hurray!!), but the minimum order half a cow or a side of beef. The minimum order is necessary for us to ensure shipping is efficient and that we can offer the beef to you at a reasonable price.

Step 3: Shipping

All our shipping is done to your door, and the beef is kept frozen using dry ice. We pack enough dry ice for it to last more than 12 hours after delivery so if you’re not home when it’s delivered it’s not a problem.  We guarantee all shipments because we deliver them personally!

Chef Eddy’s aged meat is always So Soft and juicy Squat Anita

juice catcher

Big Eddy’s hands are so big the way he works the meat it makes the meat just so Delicious Juanita Midget

cleaner of the underside